
Barbault index from 100 AD to 199 AD

Barbault  index is computed by adding the degree distances of the ten subsets of the five outer planets, Jupiter through Pluto. The angular separations of Jupiter-Saturn, Jupiter-Uranus, Jupiter-Neptune, etc. all the way through to the tenth subset, Neptune-Pluto, are added together and plotted on a graph.

The upward phase of the Barbault  index indicates the period’s economic growth, expansion and development. The upward phase coincides with collective optimism, social stability, advances in civil rights and emancipatory movements, creative breakthroughs and innovation, scientific ingenuity, public unrestraint, and periods marked with prolific artistic creativity

The downward phase of the Barbault  index coincides with periods of economic contraction and financial crisis. The downward phase coincides with societal breakdown, increasing pessimism, political instability, reactionary movements, resource crisis, periods marked by confusion, general chaos, restraint and moderation, global tension, military conflict, and destructive resource wars.
Περιγραφή: Barbault Cyclical

The fluctuation of the Barbault  index originates in the alternative movement of the ascending (0°-180°) and descending (180°-0°) phases of all the cycles, as if the solar system was expanding and contracting.  The good periods go hand-in-hand with celestial expansion, as the planets separate from each other, and the critical times occur simultaneously with planetary concentrations, or conjunctions.

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